BIRD Weekly Newsletter #53: New Jau Prison Report, Support Dr. Singace

Wednesday, 1 July 2015, Issue #53

BIRD Weekly Newsletter

In this Issue
• BIRD at HRC29 • Jau Report • Support Dr. Singace  •

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 Inside Jau: Report Finds Rampant Torture and Abuse Inside Bahrain’s Political Prison

The report finds torture and mistreatment at heart of prison practices

The report, Inside Jau: Government Brutality in Bahrain’s Central Prison, investigates the Bahraini government’s response to a prison riot at Jau Prison in March 2015. It finds that psychological and physical torture, prevention of medical care, and massive overcrowding remain a systemic failure of Bahrain’s prison system.


“Bahrain Political Prisoners and Human Rights Defenders” Event Summary #HRC29


Panel, Dimistani


On 26 June 2015, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), the International Federation for Human Rights, World Organization Against Torture, Amnesty International, the Gulf Center for Human Rights (GCHR), Alsalam Foundation, and Human Rights Watch, co-sponsored an event entitled “Political Prisoners & Human Rights Defenders in Bahrain” at the 29th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

Take Action



NGOs are increasingly concerned about the health and well-being of prominent Bahraini academic, activist and blogger Dr Abduljalil Al-Singace.  Dr Al-Singace, who is serving a life sentence for his peaceful opposition activities, began his hunger strike on 21 March 2015 in protest against the deprivation of basic rights and ill-treatment of prisoners in Jau prison.

To mark the 100th day of Dr Al-Singace’s hunger strike PEN International along with BIRD, BCHR and ADHRB call on their supporters to take urgent action on his behalf.

Take Action Now

Updates from the Ground


Several arrested including 7 without legal warrants

102 trials postponed
12 individual sentenced to a total of 34 years in prison
Fadhel Abbas sentenced to 5 years in prison
Security forces continue to use excessive force including tear gas and shotgun pellets against protesters


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Weekly Highlights



Human rights groups denounce US resumption of military aid to Bahrain guardian logo


Bahrain: political activist jailed for speaking out

News & Commentaries



BBC: US resumes aid to military in Bahrain

New York Times: U.S. Lifts Ban on Bahrain Aid

Middle East Eye: Bahrain’s human rights still fall short, despite Washington policy shift

AlJazeera: Bahrain’s human rights still fall short, despite Washington policy shift

RTnews: ​Bahrain to get more US arms as authorities keep cracking down on protestors

Take Action & Email Your MP to ask that they support the case of Dr Abduljalil AlSingace by signing EDM 107



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