New Evidence Reveals Bahraini Embassy Staff Threatening Life of Protester
07 August 2019 – New evidence obtained by BIRD has emerged implicating Bahraini Embassy staff in the assault of a protester who had scaled the
Despite pressure from the UN and the international community, the death penalty continues to be part of the Bahraini legal system.
In January 2017, capital punishment resumed within the Kingdom, with three torture victims, Abbas AlSameea, Sami Mushaima and Ali Alsingace, executed six days after the Court of Cassation upheld their death sentence. Crimes that warrant the death penalty include treason, terrorism, apostasy and drug trafficking. The absence of a precise definition of terrorism has allowed the Bahraini government to exploit its legal system so as to criminalise acts of opposition, free expression and assembly. The death penalty is conducted via firing squads.
As of 2021, there are at least 26 on death row, 12 of which have been sentenced in political cases. 11 of the 12 allege being tortured in order to extract a confession that was then used against them at their trial.
All 26 on death row are at imminent risk of execution, having exhausted all domestic remedies. The final step in their case before implementation of the death sentence is the ratification of the sentence by the King.
Not only does the death penalty itself stand in conflict with the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights, but those sentenced to death regularly report instances of undue process, torture and violations of human rights.
07 August 2019 – New evidence obtained by BIRD has emerged implicating Bahraini Embassy staff in the assault of a protester who had scaled the
31 July 2019 – A young protester died in the morning of 28 July at Salmaniya Medical Complex in Manama, Bahrain, a few hours after
27 July 2019 – Two torture victims, Ali AlArab (25) and Ahmed AlMalali (24), as well as a third unnamed individual, were executed by firing
27 July 2019 – Last night, the Metropolitan Police broke down the door of the Bahrain Embassy in London to save a Bahraini dissident from
26 July 2019 – Two men are likely to be executed tomorrow in Bahrain, two days after the House of Lords questioned the British Government
25 July 2019 – Yesterday, at the House of Lords’ afternoon session, Liberal Democrat Peer Lord Scriven asked about the government’s assessment of the human
30 May 2019 – Today, 13 rights groups wrote to King Hamad bin Isa AlKhalifa to urge him to commute the death sentences of torture
16 Cross-party MPs wrote a letter to the foreign secretary Head of Jau Prison visited the UK last month – the trip was paid
21 May 2019 – Today, five UN experts appealed to Bahrain to halt the execution of two men, Ali Al-Arab and Ahmed Al-Malali, amid “serious
7 May 2019 – Yesterday, Bahrain’s Court of Cassation rejected the final appeal of Ali AlArab and Ahmed AlMalali, two men sentenced to death in